Thursday, May 29, 2008

(SC) The Beginning!

I've never blogged before, so bare with me if I tend to go on and on about nothing at times, lol. Alright, my name is LaLa(nickname), I'm 31 years of age, and I have Sickle Cell Anemia(I sound like I'm at an AA meeting, lol) Anyway, I was diagnosed with SC at the age of 8 months old. Here's how my mom said it went down:

We(me, mom, my sis) were living in Brownsville, Brooklyn NY with my grandparents while my father was on tour in Korea. One day in August 1977, I was crying non stop for over an hour & my mom(age 28 @ the time) couldn't understand why. What she did realize was that everytime she touched my leg I would jerk & cry louder. She did not like the sound of my cry, so she and my Grandma decided to take me to Kings County Hosptal. We arrived and a Chinese doc looked after me. He gave me tylenol and told my mom that once my temp, which was 102 at arrival, drops to 100 she can take me home. After awhile I stopped crying & looked like I was passing out. My temp dropped to 100 so my mom picked me up and we were on our way out the hospital. On our way out, an Indian doc stopped us as he heard me faintishly fussing while we were passing him in the hall. Appearently, I looked horrible to him because he quickly asked my mom and grandma what was wrong with me. When my mom told him that the Chinese doc said I might be coming down with a cold and just gave me Tylenol for my fever, he literally grabbed me out my mom's hand and looked into my eyes. He then anxiously said "ma'am, look into your daughter's eyes, tell me what you see?" My mom took a look and said "they look a little yellow and they're kind of rolling back like she's falling asleep!" He then ran with me to the elevator yelling "code blue..." As we were getting in the elevator, the doc turned to my mom and grandma and yelled "go to the 3rd floor!" My mom, not wanting to wait for another elevator, ran up 3 flights of steps leaving my grandma behind. Well to make this interesting but long story short, the doc, after failing to get an IV in my little arms, drew blood and started an IV in my foot. They ended up running tests on me to find out if I had Sickle Cell Anemia...7 times! 3 out of the 7 were positive. The Doc, getting frustrated with the lab team, went down there and ran the tests himself, getting a really clear positive reading. Yep, I was officially positive with Sickle Cell Anemia.

It so happened that the Indian Doc was used to seeing the same symptoms in children back in Bombay, where he was from. He said it is not called Sickle Cell Anemia over there, but my mom can't remember the name he said they call it in Bombay. He told my mom that if she would have taken me home, I would not have lived to see the next day!

So there you all have it, my beginning to a long journey with SC. I've been going 31 years strong, although I thought I was on death's door back in February of this year(2008). It was my worst crisis ever, I truly thought I was a goner! God is a wonderful God! I feel he brought that Indian Doc to me for many reasons(man, I wish I knew his name!) I also believe that those reasons haven't been completely accomplished by me yet, or else I feel I would have been a goner in February! I do know that 2 of those reasons are my children, Aminah(my model/actress) and Adonis(my singer/dancer-video coming soon!)

Ok, now I would love for you to share your beginning with me! Tell me what it was like the first time you and your family found out you, or anyone in your family, had Sickle Cell Anemia or any similar disease! If you have any comments to my story, I would love to hear those as well! You may post your experience/comments on my blog or if you are the private type, simply email me at I would love to hear your experience!

With that said, holla at your girl!